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Bush and Palin Can't Think Clearly! Beause They're In A Br
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Bill Maher cults religion amy winehouse palin bush Religulous
+3 / -4 (-1)

Oct 4, 2008

People Like Bush & Palin Can't Think Clearly! Beause They're In A Brainwashing Cult! 

Bill Maher

October 03, 2008 HBO Real Time with Bill Maher 

New Rules

Please leave a comment if you want, this is just to show what is out there...

And before you go and spam, dl it watch it and make up your own mind...

cheers the_phyrexian


The problem with the left is, that Reality seems to have a left biase...
...And "the right" are just a bunch of Redneck-fascist troglodytes! :)
Just fucking great that Palin has another random-ass word - troglodyte - to name a prop/child/whatever the fuck she pops out, she's going to have another one of her daughters get knocked up and throw a pity party, complete with spit baths... lol


And "Commenter"...thanks for helping pageviews for anything containing Bill Maher's name.

Hey this makes me a Leftish Redneck, cool.. Thanks for the torrent..:
palin is one boneified old bitch
How 'bout A real gov. for the people by the people Bloomberg is going to run again even though the people of N.Y. voted yes on term limits. John McCain has been in there for 30 + years and his own party does not like him that is why he lost maybe Obama will actually care about us . While it is true thyat I do not Know Barack Obama or McCain I do know that Obama Knows People like me and I would bet the rest of us John McCain Does not.
What makes you think Obama knows people like you? In what way does he approach middle America other than through fucking pandering and being a sycophant (look it up, it's the perfect word)....Obama was raised richer and whiter than McCain was, richer and whiter than the richest and whitest member of the richest and whitest yacht club in New England. Stop being ignorant and read a fucking newspaper.